Here is the steps to deploy the blojsom blogging application on ORION J2EE container. Tested on 2.0.5 version.
- Download the WAR file for blojsom (
- Copy blojsom.war to it's own directory, without any other files in it.
- Make subdirectory META-INF
- Create/edit application.xml -file with following content:
- Change directory to the root directory where blojsom.war exists. Create an EAR file out of the directory:
- Copy this *.ear file to ORION_HOME/applications -directory
- Edit ORION_HOME/config/server.xml
- Edit ORION_HOME/config/default-web-site.xml
- Start the ORION server
- Edit ORION_HOME/applications/blojsom/blojsom/WEB-INF/default/
- Restart the ORION server
- Point your browser to url http://localhost:<port>/blojsom/blog/default/
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN" "">
<path_to_your_jdk_home>\jdk\bin\jar cvf blojsom.ear *
You should see something like:
added manifest
adding: blojsom.war(in = 2493553) (out= 2449558)(deflated 1%)
adding: web-inf/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: web-inf/application.xml(in = 387) (out= 240)(deflated 37%)
Add following line under the application-server -root element:
<application name="blojsom" path="../applications/blojsom.ear" auto-start="true" />
Add following line:
<web-app application="blojsom" name="blojsom" load-on-startup="true" root="/blojsom" />
Auto-deployment should start at this point.
Change the blog-base-url and blog-url to point to your server and ORION port.
Change also other meaningful descriptive parameters to match your needs.