
ODI Agent and AD4J Diagnostics Console

I was playing with Oracle's new java application diagnostics tool called Oracle Application Diagnostics for Java (AD4J).



This is great tool to monitor the guts of Java or J2EE engine.


AD4J manuals describe how to install the JADE agent on OracleAS or BEA WebLogic, also decribing how to configure standard Java application with agent.

For those that want to monitor Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) agents, here are the steps in details.

1. Download the "Java Agent ZIP File"


2. Place the zip file on ODI installation in $ODIHOME/drivers -directory.

3. Edit the agent.bat (or agent.sh on Unix) to replace the

%ODI_JAVA_START% oracle.odi.Agent %*


%ODI_JAVA_START% jamagent.jamrun jamconshost=localhost jamconsport=3600 jamjvmid=1000 oracle.odi.Agent %*

Here you should replace jamconshost parameter value with the hostname that has AD4J console running. Also if jamconsport is different than 3600, change the value. Jamjvmid is the identifier that shows up in the JVM list as "port" identifying the JVM from others:


4. Once the agent.bat or agent.sh is modified (alternatively you made a copy of the agent startup script), you can start it and should see the ODI agent JVM showing up in the AD4J console.